A cretin has slow body growth, mental development, metabolic rate. It is caused due to under secretion of thyroid hormones in infants.

Hypo secretion of thyroid hormones cause following diseases :

Rapid heartbeat, rise in blood pressure, slightly high body temperature, nervousness, irritability and restlessness are the symptoms of this disease (Fig. Hyper secretion of thyroid hormones causes Grave’s disease or exophthalmic goiter (protrusion of eye ball). Excessive secretion of ADH makes the blood dilute and low plasma sodium. But no glucose is lost in the urine of such a patient. This disorder is called diabetes insipidus. Deficiency of ADH reduces reabsorption of water and hence excess water is lost through the dilute urine. Antidiuretic Hormone disorders:Īntidiuretic hormone (ADH) or vasopressin is secreted from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The patient becomes quite thin and shows signs of premature ageing. Hypo secretion of GH in adult leads to a rare condition called ‘Simmond’s disease’. As a result man develops a gorilla like appearance. Hyper secretion of GH in adult causes acromegaly, a disease characterised by disproportionate increase in the size of bones of face, hands and feet. The affected individual grows to a height of 7 to 8 feet or more than that.

Hyper secretion of GH in child (before sexual maturity) results in gigantism due to general overgrowth of skeleton. It does not affect the intelligence of the person concerned. Because of reduction in the skeletal growth, the body becomes small but well proportionate. Hypo secretion of GH in child causes dwarfism. Growth hormone (GH or STH) is secreted from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.