
Skin mods for sims 4
Skin mods for sims 4

skin mods for sims 4 skin mods for sims 4

Nectar Making Club Activity by Raesthetic. Club Activity Override (adds ranch activities to 'Care for Animals' club activity) by Screaming Potato.

skin mods for sims 4

They won't have the preteen trait until they are instanced in so make sure you either play the household or visit them so they can load in. Special Paddock Gate (only allows mounted horses and 'called over' horses to walk through so you dont have to lock) by LittleMsSam. I fixed the issue with NPCs not turning into preteens. You're able to disable this notification in the Config File or through the Preteen Settings Pie menu. If you even remotely liked the previous set of eyebrows then you’ll love this one 36 color shades are here to add depth and character to your Sims. The startup notification also says the current mod version which makes mod support easier. The best way to make truly interesting characters in the game is to use gorgeous skin mods and these sims 4 skin details to change up the look of your sims. Slider and eyelid compatible versions, 8 different faces (all from the 2019 skins) Allura Skin + Allura Skin Overlay. Startup Notification: I added a startup notification with a link to the discord server for support & also a link to the mods info page. These are all for fem frame sims, except the overlay face skin collection, that one works for all frames + ages. You'll also be able to shrink sims down to preteen height (even works if they aren't preteens) & reset them to their normal height. Preteen Base Settings Pie Menu: This is where you'll have the option to add/remove the preteen trait. It also has a "Current Settings" interaction that lists out the current settings. Config Settings Pie menu: This allows you to change various settings such as the chance of having dry skin, Agespan length, Enabling Aging, Toggling the Startup Notification.

Skin mods for sims 4