Root: Detected asset source named 'NpcSpawnerPlus' at '.\mods\npcspawnerplus' Root: Detected asset source named 'xbawks' at '.\mods\xbawks' Root: Detected asset source named 'SpawnableItemPack' at '.\mods\SpawnableItemPack.pak' Root: Detected asset source named 'QuickbarMini' at '.\mods\Starbound-Quickbar-Mini-master' Root: Detected asset source named 'Earth's Battle Heritage' at '.\mods\Earth's Battle Heritage (v 2.6)(ENG).pak'

Root: Detected asset source named 'base' at '.\assets\packed.pak'

Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'readme.txt', skipping Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'pants.jpg', skipping Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'mods_go_here', skipping Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'Wardrobe.pak 2', skipping Root: Overriding duplicate asset source '.\mods\QuickbarMini.pak' named 'QuickbarMini' with higher or equal priority source '.\mods\Starbound-Quickbar-Mini-master Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'READ ME', skipping Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'LGPL_LICENSE.txt', skipping Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'InvisibleClothes-1.0.0.modpak', skipping Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'Gardenbot2_MP_2107.zip', skipping Root: Overriding duplicate asset source '.\mods\Earth's Battle Heritage (v 2.5).pak' named 'Earth's Battle Heritage' with higher or equal priority source '.\mods\Earth's Battle Heritage (v 2.6)(ENG).pak Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '.\mods\'

Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '.\assets\' Bugfixes will be done on the public version to not have anyone forced to wait a few months for the next one if something broke in the previous version.Ģ.Root: Preparing Root. pak file, this will be done for all subsequent version releases. This does not mean it will stay private forever, in the future when 2.7 releases, 2.6 will be pushed to the public github to have its code publicly accessible as well as the. Starting with version 2.6 development will be happening on a private github and the starbecue_v2.6.pak will be up for download on patreon and WIP versions of 2.7 may be distributed to patrons for helping me test. WIP versions had been accessible to the public by downloading off of the master branch of the github. Up to this point SBQ development has been entirely public, the patreon just gave people more insight into what was happening with my periodic posts, and some amount of input on what to develop if you were to vote on the patreon polls or talk with me in the development chat on discord.